A weekly dose of female-powered adventure for your inbox.

Established in 2017, Intrepid Magazine began as the answer to one simple question: where are all the women in adventure? It has grown into a platform for the unfiltered voices of adventurous women and a springboard for anyone trying to progress within the adventure space.

Where are all the women in adventure? They’re here.

What is Intrepid Magazine?

This is a magazine about adventurers who happen to be female. We're bored of being stereotyped and of people saying how hard it is for women to do things - things many of us are already doing just fine (and have been for years). It’s not this girl can, it’s this girl does.

So we’re being the change we want to see. Intrepid Magazine is about sharing these voices direct, cutting out the middle man. We want to be positive, provide role models and help others up. This shouldn’t be radical or innovative, but apparently it is. 🤷

Intrepid Magazine is committed to spreading these stories as far and wide as we can. All articles are free to access, read and forward to friends.

🌎 Who are Team Intrepid?

We’re an adventurous bunch, connected by wanting to support women in adventure. Occasionally we do things together, like go camping on Dartmoor and get very wet…

The wet Day 2 of the Intrepid camping trip in June 2019. Yes, June.

If you’ve ever thought “I wish I knew people I could go on crazy adventures with” then this might just be the place for you :)

✍️ Contributors

We are currently in a state of pause, since we ran out of budget for the magazine. However, if you would still like to contribute (perhaps you have a new book coming out, want to build your portfolio of articles or promote a group) then do get in touch. We’ll see what we can do to help.

As for what we want, this magazine focuses on adventure stories and practical advice of interest to highly adventurous women. Some great examples include:

Please email our editor Emily directly.

🔍 Contacts

For inquiries about advertising, media and collaboration please email our editor, Emily Woodhouse, at emily@intrepid-magazine.com

For any support issues or queries with subscriptions or membership, please contact support+intrepidmagazine@substack.com

Subscribe to Intrepid Magazine

A weekly dose of female-powered adventure for your inbox. Where are all the women in adventure? They're here.


Female-first adventure and outdoors magazine.
Climber, biker, walker, writer.
Lover of mountains, lakes, trees, camping, cycling, running and climbing. Adventure mum to Lyra.
A hiker, cyclist, sailor and snowboarder. Also a writer, photographer and content creator. Born in Worcestershire, now based in BC Canada.
Perennial participant in all things running, cycling, swimming and some other, rather odd activities…
Mirjam is a climber, writer and freelance translator. She loves travel and adventure, books and the mountains. More @mirigoesround
Kate is a freelance travel writer and photographer based in Sydney, Australia. When not at her desk, you’ll find her on the side of a mountain somewhere, chocolate bar in one hand, camera in the other.
A writer, climber and Mountain Leader based in Scotland.
Campervan loiterer prone to a good challenge!.Can usually be found in my preferred habitat, running in the hills with flapjack.
Writer, traveller, hiker
Mikaela is an outdoor instructor and media-maker. Her work aims to celebrate, share and protect our incredibly powerful wild places.
Professional whitewater kayaker, adventure athlete and expedition leader for Steve Backshall television documentary series. www.instagram.com/sal.montgomery
Semi-nomadic outdoor education instructor, usually found in the mountains of Europe or Patagonia. Enjoys rock climbing, hiking and kayaking.
Laure is a French wild swimmer, hiker, forager, writer, and author based in the UK. She blogs at frogmom.com and loves a good adventure whatever the weather.
Leah Wersebe is a TV aficionado and a recovering 9-5 office worker. She lives in New York and has traveled to over 25 countries in search of the perfect latte. Leah has degrees in international politics, film, and wildlife conservation.
British Canoeing #ShePaddles Ambassador, Canoe, kayak & stand up paddleboard instructor, camper, volunteer, writer, amateur photographer/videographer, advocate for mental health, litter picking & LGBTQ+ matters. Traumatic Brain Injury survivor.
Professional highliner from Sheffield
I love being in the mountains and spend my free time outdoors getting muddy and windswept. I’m a passionate mountaineer, runner, cyclist and snowboarder.
Providing adventure and mindfulness experiences in nature for women. WanderWomen Scotland
Love pursuing people-powered adventures around the globe. Anything bike, hike or packraft related.
Wilderness Guide & Founder of Sidetracked Adventures.
I am an adventure writer from India trying to spread inspiring outdoor stories and create equal opportunities for all in the outdoor field.
Scientist, educator and expedition leader with a love for nature, rowing and Type 2 Fun - in no particular order!
I am an Adventurer, TV Presenter and Author. I have cycled from Cairo to Cape Town, done the Marathon des Sables, run round Everest and walked the length of Morocco with 6 camels. My latest book is about that: Walking with Nomads.
Award winning adventure travel writer, Guinness World Record holder and author. Happiest squelching through a Dartmoor bog. Always writing the next book.
mountaineer / poet
Hannah is a journalist, blogger, aid worker, scuba diver and musician. Find out more at hannahparry.co.uk
Host of The Joy of SUP - The Paddleboarding Sunshine Podcast - Sharing the health, happiness, friendship, adventure and possibility of stand up paddleboarding.
Hazel is an ultra runner and barefoot runner who is always on the look out for the next challenge. Find out more at insta @AmbitiousFailure
Ordinary Adventures blogged about: https://adventuremostordinary.wordpress.com/
Born to mountaineering parents, the love for outdoors is literally part of my DNA.
Vanessa Dewson is an award-winning photographer and writer based in Ottawa, Canada. She also teaches photography and leads photography tours around the world. You can follow her on Instagram and Twitter @vanessadewson.
A mid-life chaser of dreams and outdoor adventures. Happiest when striding out with her pack on a long distance trail or heading offshore under oar or sail.
Former accountant turned world unicyclist. Chief Organiser @ Women's Adventure ACT and Chief Survivalist at Bushsafe.com
Swimming through winter
equine veterinarian, world first MTB traverse Nepal West to east, racer, adventurer, mountain enthusiast
Keen outdoor enthusiast across several disciplines, enjoying white water kayaking, mountaineering, ice climbing and caving.
Born and bred in the Lake District. I love anything outdoors based that gets the blood pumping!
High altitude hiker and adventure writer! I aim to prove big adventures are accessible to everyone.
Trish is a U.K. based broadcast and travel writer, who enjoys exploring remote parts of the world, but still loves a well-trodden adventure.
I’ve been a mountaineer and climber for six years. And when I’m not outdoors, I am usually writing about the outdoors in some capacity whether that’s gear reviews, trip reports, or my own novel.
Running, hiking, adventuring, trainee Mountain Leader and Accountant currently living in the city, planning an escape to the mountains where I'm my happiest.
Megan is a Bristol-based outdoors enthusiast. She is happiest in the mountains or the sea.
Kat is an environmental consultant based in Oxfordshire, spending as much time as possible outdoors, mostly walking, cycling and paddleboarding. In other spare time, Kat is a volunteer bike mechanic.
Climber and adventurer from the Lake District.
British Army veteran, fitness enthusiast and amateur adventurer. Currently transitioning to civilian life whilst also fundraising for the Veterans’ Foundation. I am attempting 12 extreme challenges in 12 months this year! 😆 I must be mad…